I feel this might be the best thing I’ve ever made. I worked for a long time on this song, but I could never finish it. And then one day it was done.
It’s called ‘Everything Everything”.
OK, now for something a little different. Introducing my new project ‘Catfish Calhoun and Friends.’
The Book of Sarth
The story... In a colorless society a powerful new device Could change everything It's a battle of people vs the State And with the device in the hands of a new hero A national broadcast may save them Can color be restored in a grey world?
Full movie coming soon …
Sxip Shirey visited (Gr)album World Headquarters last week with an idea for a really cool piece. This is based on his Shruti Box, which is a traditional Indian drone instrument working on bellows, similar to a harmonium ... or similar to an accordion.
Lou Reed and Ulrich Krieger join Lucibel Crater onstage at Joe's Pub. Together with Sarth they form a Metal Machine Trio sub-unit and convert "Masticate" into an exploration of noise.
Featuring continuum fingerboard and many many hats and Chloe, the dog, and Lucibel Crater (Leah Coloff) and Lucibel Crater (Paul Chuffo) and Lucibel Crater (Sarth) with his Lou Reed / Metal Machine Trio noise-shaping in full force.
Lucibel Crater: Leah Coloff (cello and voice) Sarth (laptop, keyboards, live looping and continuum fingerboard) and Paul Chuffo (drums) play at The RAW Temple in Berlin. Lyrics by Clint Smith. This place was a blast. Our hosts (The PRUNX) provided us with nice food, a warm welcome, and an enthusiastic crowd.
Video written and directed by Paul Chuffo, featuring the cameras of Lower Manhattan.